Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Week 7....Losing Momentum?

In the two weeks since the last blogspot my semester has kind of fallen apart. I got sick, and then had a migraine for 12 days and couldn't really go to class or write the way I wanted to. I had serious motivation issues and kind of felt like I was losing direction. Thankfully things started to look up this week and I have started to write again and I have plans to finally do my visitor studies this weekend. I'm nervous about not being able to finish the way I want to by the final deadline but hopefully I can maintain this new energy until then. My computer is also on its last legs and I need to get a new one, which is going to be a distraction over the next week or so until I can finally get a laptop that connects to the internet when I'm not at home. Other than that I'm excited to get into the poster sessions and get some feedback on my frankly terrible first draft!

1 comment:

  1. Feedback is coming, Brie. Maybe think about chunking all of your tasks into smaller ones, so you can check things off quicker. For instance, doing a visitor study is a large thing - but what can you do to prep and make progress? :)
