Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Week 5...Making Progress!

This week my game plan is to get into the feedback from my advisors and use it to refine the sections that I have already completed. I've got somewhere between 10-15 individual sources that I'm going to be reading. I'll either use these to expand my literature review or I'll use in the rest of the sections. This next week is going to be really stressful because I have lot due but i'm going to try to compartmentalize and get small chunks of everything done everyday. Hopefully that means I'll have a bunch of completed assignments and midterms and no stress! At this point i'm still focusing on the RMSC and will probably be reaching out to Dr. Uzelmeier in the next few days with follow-up questions about the labels I'm talking about. Other than that I don't really have any updates!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brie, good luck with the readings and incorporating them (or letting some go!). Let me know how it goes with the RMSC labels, too!
