Thursday, September 24, 2015

Learning Through Reading

The last five weeks we have been reading through articles that have taught us the structure of a research paper, proper use of citations, how to form a research question and so on. There are two readings in particular that have taught me skills that I previously had not learned. 

The first reading that I've learned from is; Experiencing Exhibitions: A Review of Studies on Visitor Experiences in Museums. This reading incorporates an important part of our senior theses, the literature review. While talking to my advisers, they told me about the literature review, however, I did not know how to even go about writing one. This reading showed me not only how to write one but how to structure it so that it flows into the actual research and point of the paper. 

The second reading that taught me something new is; Eavesdropping at the Well: Interpretive Media in the Slavery in New York Exhibition. This paper utilized footnotes in ways that the other readings did not. The author used descriptive footnotes that allowed him to go more in depth in a subject without going on a tangent within the reading. I think that this is a useful skill that I can use in my own writing. 

Rabinowitz, Richard. "Eavesdropping at the Well: Interpretive Media in the Slavery in New York Exhibition." The Public Historian 35, no. 3 (2013): 8-45.

Kirchberg, Volker and Trondle, Martin. "Experiencing Exhibitions: A Review of Studies on Visitor Experiences in Museums." Curator 55, no.4 (2012): 435-452.

1 comment:

  1. Well written response. I have to agree with kirchberg article.
